John Ogilby, Ogelby, or Oglivie (17 November 1600 – 4 September 1676) was a Scottish translator, impresario, publisher and cartographer. He was probably at least a half-brother to James Ogilvy, 1st Earl of Airlie, though neither overtly acknowledged this. Ogilby's most-noted works include translations of the works of Virgil and Homer, and his version of the Fables of Aesop. Ogilby established Ireland's first theatre in Werburgh Street, Dublin, and following the Restoration, that country's first Theatre Royal. Ogilby played a significant part in arrangements for the coronation of King Charles II. Following the Great Fire of 1666, Ogilby's large-scale map of the City of London was founded on precise survey work, and his Britannia is the first road atlas of England and Wales to be based on surveys and measurements, and drawn to scale.
Title | Translated | Classification | Year |
Beginning year | Ending year | Description |
1592 | 1610 | Brasil Colônia: período do domínio francês no Maranhão |
1630 | 1654 | Brasil Colônia: período da segunda invasão holandesa em Pernambuco |
1640 | 1640 | Portugal readquire sua autonomia com a Casa de Bragança |
1624 | 1624 | Brasil Colônia: primeira invasão holandesa |
1637 | 1644 | Brasil Colônia: permanência no Brasil do Príncipe Maurício de Nassau |
1649 | 1649 | Economia: estabelecimento da Companhia Geral do Comércio do Brasil |
1640 | 1640 | Fundação da Dinastia de Bragança |
1616 | 1616 | Ciência e religião: a Igreja Católica condena o livro de Copérnico que contém suas teorias astronômicas |
1500 | 1822 | Período Colonial no Brasil |
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