Jacques Savary des Bruslons


Information about the writer

  • Full name: Jacques Savary des Brûlons
  • Birth: 1657 - França
  • Decease: 1716

Source(s) of data

  • MORAES, Rubens Borba de. Bibliographia Brasiliana. Los Angeles: UCLA; Rio de Janeiro: Kosmos, 1983. 2 v.
  • WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION. Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Conteúdo enciclopédico de autoria coletiva. Disponível em: https://www.wikipedia.org.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Savary_des_Brûlons

Jacques Savary des Brûlons (1657–1716) was the French Inspector General of the Manufactures for the King at the Paris Customs in the 18th century, and a lexicographer who wrote the Dictionnaire universel de commerce. Jacques Savary des Brûlons was the son of the famous writer on economics Jacques Savary. For his personal use, Savary prepared an alphabetical list of all objects subject to duty, and then of all the words relating to commerce and industry. To this, he added information on the ordinances and rules regarding commerce in France and abroad. This work formed the basis for his Dictionnaire du Commerce, prepared with his brother Louis-Philémon Savary, which was unfinished at the time of his death. Louis-Philémon finished the work and published it in 1723. Wyndham Beawes published The Merchant's Directory, Being a Compleat Guide to all Men in Business in London in 1751, a work that was largely a translation of the Dictionaire de commerce. Carl Günther Ludovici of Leipzig made a German translation of the Dictionnaire du Commerce. From this work grew a self-written Merchant Lexicon, whose five volumes published by Johann Heinrich Zedler began to appear in 1752 and were completed in 1756. Savary's work was translated and adapted in English by Malachy Postlethwayt in his Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce in 1774.


Beginning yearEnding yearDescription
16821682Economia: Estabelecimento da Companhia de Comércio do Estado do Maranhão
16941694Destruição do Quilombo dos Palmares
15001822Período Colonial no Brasil

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