Arcangela Tarabotti

Information about the writer


Source(s) of data

  • Projeto Dicionário Bibliográfico da Literatura Italiana Traduzida


Arcangela Tarabotti (24 February 1604 – 28 February 1652) was a Venetian nun and Early Modern Italian writer. Tarabotti wrote texts and corresponded with cultural and political figures for most of her adult life, centering on the issues of forced enclosure, and what she saw as other symptoms and systems of patriarchy and misogyny in her works and discussions. Tarabotti wrote at least seven works, though only five were published during her lifetime. Because of the politics of Tarabotti’s works, many scholars consider her “a protofeminist writer as well as an early political theorist.”



Beginning yearEnding yearDescription
15921610Brasil Colônia: período do domínio francês no Maranhão
16301654Brasil Colônia: período da segunda invasão holandesa em Pernambuco
16401640Portugal readquire sua autonomia com a Casa de Bragança
16241624Brasil Colônia: primeira invasão holandesa
16371644Brasil Colônia: permanência no Brasil do Príncipe Maurício de Nassau
16491649Economia: estabelecimento da Companhia Geral do Comércio do Brasil
16401640Fundação da Dinastia de Bragança
16161616Ciência e religião: a Igreja Católica condena o livro de Copérnico que contém suas teorias astronômicas
15001822Período Colonial no Brasil

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