Robert Fulton

Information about the writer


  • Foi um engenheiro e inventor americano que é amplamente creditado com o desenvolvimento do primeiro barco a vapor comercialmente bem-sucedido.

Source(s) of data

  • WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION. Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Conteúdo enciclopédico de autoria coletiva. Disponível em:


Robert Fulton (November 14, 1765 – February 24, 1815) was an American engineer and inventor who is widely credited with developing the world's first commercially successful steamboat, the North River Steamboat (also known as Clermont). In 1807, that steamboat traveled on the Hudson River with passengers from New York City to Albany and back again, a round trip of 300 nautical miles (560 kilometers), in 62 hours. The success of his steamboat changed river traffic and trade on major American rivers. In 1800, Fulton had been commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte, leader of France, to attempt to design a submarine; he then produced Nautilus, the first practical submarine in history. Fulton is also credited with inventing some of the world's earliest naval torpedoes for use by the Royal Navy.Fulton became interested in steam engines and the idea of steamboats in 1777 when he was around age 12 and visited state delegate William Henry of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who was interested in this topic. Henry had learned about inventor James Watt and his Watt steam engine on an earlier visit to England.



Beginning yearEnding yearDescription
17891799Revolução Francesa
17921792Inconfidência Mineira: enforcamento de Tiradentes, em 21 de abril
18071807Pressão francesa para ruptura da aliança entre Portugal e Inglaterra
18071807Invasão de Portugal por tropas de Napoleão
18081808Cultura: instalação da Biblioteca Real no Hospital da Ordem Terceira do Carmo, Rio de Janeiro
18081808Fundação do Arquivo Nacional
18111811Cultura: inauguração da Biblioteca Real no Rio de Janeiro
18141814Proibição da posse e leitura das Fábulas de Jean de La Fontaine, traduzidas por Francisco Manuel do Nascimento
17941794A Convenção Francesa aprova a abolição da escravidão em suas colônias
17891789Política: Ocorrem as primeiras eleições presidenciais nos Estados Unidos

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