Title: Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, The Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, relating to the slave trade. 1835. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, by Command of His Majesty, 1836.

Writer: anônimo ou sem identificação

Information about the document


  • MORAES, Rubens Borba de. Bibliographia Brasiliana. Los Angeles: UCLA; Rio de Janeiro: Kosmos, 1983. 2 v.


Borba assinala que a obra contem as correspondências entre Palmerston e Aureliano de Souza e Oliveira (além de outros).

ABNT reference of the work

CORRESPONDENCE with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, The Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, relating to the slave trade. 1835. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, by Command of His Majesty, 1836.. Londres, Inglaterra: William Clowes and Sons, 1836.

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